Friday, September 2, 2011

Bridge to International Falls

Last weekend my family drove up to International Falls to look around.  Nice little town! Anyway, we passed this cool bridge on the way and decided we had to stop on the way back to get a few pictures.  Luckily they have a campground right alongside it so we could pull off the road and get closer.  Thought I would share a few.

I love reflections, it can be so hard to get them just right but if you do it's totally worth it!

I had to share this one because it makes me giggle everytime! :D Do horses have speedometers?

This next one is just a little walking stick who walked my way the other day.  Isn't he awesome!

New clouds

Read something on Life's little Mysteries website about a new cloud type, the first to be named in the past 50 years.  Looked at the picture they had and realized those were the weird clouds I had been taking pics of all summer.  So I thought I would share a few of them! I love how they can look so different everytime.

These last 2 are just some cool ones I got as a storm front moved in.

I love a good storm and always have an eye on the sky :D

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Standing my ground

Think of me as Switzerland.  I'm neutral territory.
I'm not choosing sides and I'm not going to let you go through me to get to someone else. 
But I have no problem taking you down if you want to try.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I am trying to decide if it is good or bad
That I've come to the point where I can't let the tears fall. 
They used to come all the time
Now even when I know they are there I no longer let them go. 
I wonder sometimes when I got to this place. 
I wonder why, I wonder how
Crying inside is safer maybe.
Maybe if I let the tears go you'll know
I hurt and I'm sad and I'm so weak.
I guess I would rather cry alone,
Would rather hide it all inside.
Because they are my tears
And you don't understand and don't want to anyway.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

What did you see?

I took some pictures on the 4th of July (or tried to) and discovered something interesting.  When you see something and then go back and look at it later, sometimes things aren't exactly the way you remembered them to be.  A different perspective, a different view, a different light, a tilt of the head and things are no longer the way you thought they were. I guess when all is said and done, you should always take a second look!